

工作人员 洛里·埃尔金斯,公共安全助理. Director-停车服务 罗莉.Elkins@wolaipei.com 克里斯·派恩,停车协调员 克里斯汀.松@wolaipei.com 凯莉·哈雷特,停车助理 凯利.Hallett@wolaipei.com



校园内的客人可以在停车服务部门购买$5/天的客人许可证. Guest permits allow the user to park in any regular surface lot (no specialty lots or spaces) for the day. Guests may also pay $1/hour or $6/day in the 停车场 or $2/hour or $12/day in the West Visitor Lot. 客人停车收费1美元/小时.

部门s may order permits for their guest by filling out the 部门 Guest Request form and emailing it to ISU-停车@wolaipei.com. 请预留至少5个工作日处理.

部门客人许可证申请 (Excel文件-使用Firefox打开)

* ISU 停车收费站 是快速、容易和灵活的吗. 停车收费站 are available in the Short-term North Pay Station lot (5th Street on the North side of HMSU) and the Pavilion Lot (corner of 7th and Larry Bird) or the 6 hour West Fire Lane lot in front of Rhoades/Mills. 在收费站购买时间:

  • 每个停车位都有编号. 请记下你的停车位号码,然后步行到收费站.
  • 按任意键刷新屏幕.
  • Enter the parking space number into the pay station and then choose the amount of time you wish to park. 停车 is $1/hr with a maximum of two hours for North and Pavilion lots – 6 hour max in West Fire Lane lot.
  • Wait for the screen to ask for payment and bills or credit card into the machine. 这些机器接受VISA/MasterCard/Discover信用卡/借记卡.  *没有更改或退款给予-当支付账单使用准确的金额.

Cherry Street 停车场 and West Visitor Pay Lot (Credit Card 只有 payment at Exit)

停车 is available for $1/hr or $6/12 hr period in the Cherry Street 停车场 which is located at the corner of 8th and Cherry Street. 停车 is $2/hr or $12/12 hour period in the West Visitor Pay Lot which is located on Chestnut Street between 4th and 5th Streets.


  • 把车开进车库的入口处,从自动售货机里拿张票.
  • 把票放在仪表板上.
  • Exit the garage by pulling up to the self-service parking pay station located in the far right lane.
  • Insert your ticket into the machine level with the arrow facing up and pointed at the machine.
  • 等待机器给出停车费总额并要求付款. 这台机器可以接受Visa/MasterCard/Discover.



停车 is available for $2/hr or $12/12 hr period in the 大学访客西区 which is located on Chestnut Street between 4th and 5th Streets. 该地段是一个24小时地段和付款后,需要退出.


停车 is available for $1/hr or $6/12 hr period in the University 停车场 which is located on Cherry Street between 7th and 8th Streets. 车库是一个24小时的车库和付款后需要退出.


**所有2024-25许可证必须在线订购  网上销售从6月1日开始!

Permits will be available for pickup in the  停车 服务 office - 218 N 6th Street - between Burford and Erickson on 6th Street-  look for the bright blue awning  - please allow 2 business days for processing - you will NOT receive an email concerning when your permit it ready for pick-up.. 

所有在7月31日之后购买的许可证将在办公室领取.  带上我的身份证来取车. -**Allow 2 business days for processing before attempting to pick up your permit - you will NOT receive an email concerning the pick-up of your permit


PARKING SERVICES NEW LOCATION:  218 N 6th Street - between Burford and Erickson on 6th Street-  look for the bright blue awning!


如果您无法在线购买,请联系 ISU-停车@wolaipei.com 寻求帮助. 

兼职教员的新许可证选择-  Adjunct faculty members are now able to use payroll deduction for their parking permit purchase.  *Adjunct faculty that do not have an appointment for the Spring semester must return the permit to parking 服务 by January 30, 2025年,以避免被收取未付的许可证余额. 

现行许可证- 2023-24年教职工 停车许可证  134美元(有效购买日期为2024年8月16日)


新- 2024-25教职员工 停车许可证  $138(有效期为2024年8月16日- 2025年8月16日)更多信息即将发布!

允许用户在任何员工停车场停车, 远程很多, or 工作人员/学生 lot on the Indiana State campus or any Indiana State 远程很多 (excluding metered, pay or specialty lots; i.e. 心理学很多).    教员, exempt and non-exempt full-time employees and non-学生 temporary employees shall be defined as 工作人员 作车辆登记之用. 

教员/员工车库 停车许可证 - $274 -(2024年8月16日- 2025年8月31日有效)

教员/员工 will be able to purchase a Garage permit that will allow them to park in the garage and any 工作人员, 偏远地段或教职员/学生地段(非学生专用地段). 

2024-25   学生停车许可证  $138(2024年8月16日- 2025年8月16日有效)  **为不住在学校的学生***

允许用户在任何学生停车场停车, 远程很多, or 工作人员/学生 lot (NO STAFF ONLY LOTS) on the Indiana State campus or any Indiana State 远程很多 (excluding metered, pay or specialty lots; i.e. 心理学很多).    学生停车许可证不允许进入  lots designated as “resident parking” after 9 pm Sunday – Thursday (Lots 10 and 14).  研究生, 本科生, 研究生助教, 研究生研究员和所有其他入学人员应定义为 学生 作车辆登记之用.   

2024-25  校园住宿学生停车许可证   $138(2024年8月16日- 2025年8月16日有效)  **如果你住在校内宿舍,这是你的许可证!**

允许用户将车停在任何学生停车场(包括“居民停车场”), 远程很多, or 工作人员/学生 lot on the Indiana State campus or any Indiana State 远程很多 (excluding metered, pay or specialty lots; i.e. 心理学很多).  学生停车许可证不允许进入 lots  designated as “resident parking” after 9 pm Sunday – Thursday (Lots 10 and 14).  RESIDENT Student 停车许可证 are 只有 available to 学生s living in ISU residential facilities.  研究生, 本科生, 研究生助教, 研究生研究员和所有其他入学人员应定义为 学生 作车辆登记之用.   ** IF YOU WILL BE LIVING IN A RESIDENCE HALL BUT DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION TO PURCHASE A RESIDENT STUDENT PERMIT - PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE AT ISU-PARKING@INDSTATE.EDU 在购买许可证之前. 

2024-25   远程停车许可证   $76(2024年8月16日- 2025年8月16日有效)

远程停车许可证适用于教职员工和学生. 此许可允许用户执行以下操作 只有 把车停在ISU的偏远地段. 偏远地段包括地段D Ext(地段D后的第9及鹰号), 第Q批(第8号及提皮卡努街), N号拍卖品(第11街及栗子街), 地段K(第二号及栗色), 棒球地段(第一及沙田), ISU大学公寓(第一街和Farrington街、第一街和Crawford街). 所有远程地块将向任何教职员工或学生开放. 远程许可证不允许在“员工/学生”地段或第4 /5街使用 .  **现在有资格扣除工资.

2024-25  残疾人士停车许可证  $138(2024年8月16日- 2025年8月16日有效)

残疾人士停车许可证可供教师使用, 工作人员, 以及符合印第安纳州法规0-18-22的学生. 文件是必需的.  请与停车场服务处联络 ISU-停车@wolaipei.com 或(812)237-8888查询更多信息.  有短期医疗需要的人士应向停车服务中心咨询. (See Article III #4) Individuals who need a handicap escort may call ISU Police Dispatch at 812-237-5555 to request assistance.


学生的车库 停车许可证 - $274 *即将提供!!  (2024年8月16日- 2025年8月31日)

In Fall 2019, University officials began discussions in regard to parking garage permit changes. .  作为这些研究的结果, 从2020年秋季开始,停车场许可证将分为两部分. 学生 will be able to purchase a Garage permit which will allow them to park in the garage and any 学生 (excluding Resident Lots 10 and 14 after 9:00 pm, 星期日至星期四), 偏远地段或教职员工/学生地段(没有教职员工专用地段).  教员/员工 will be able to purchase a Garage permit that will allow them to park in the garage and any 工作人员, 偏远地段或教职员/学生地段(非学生专用地段).  这一变化将于2020年8月16日生效. 


*If the lot is reserved for an event – permit holders will need to locate other parking on campus. Individuals with a West Lot Permit are not allowed to park in any other 校园 Surface lot or Garage space.

摩托车许可证- $75.00(只在办公室提供-按月提供)

允许用户停放在任何地面停车场或摩托车空间.  Moped and motorcycles shall affix the parking permit to the left front fork of the vehicle. 


请到北路218号停车服务处停车. 第六街,特雷霍特,印第安纳州或致电812-237-8888查询当前价格. 



     Reserve parking for on-campus events - parking must be reserved at least 30 days prior to the event.


pdf-icon.jpg格式返校节停车通知 - ** 2020年返校节是2020年10月24日.  请从2019年10月1日开始查看2019年返校节停车信息.**

pdf-icon.jpg格式同学会停车   **HOMECOMING 2019 is set for October 12, 2019 - See Map for parking restrictions** 




Vehicles parked in unmarked areas owned by ISU that are not designated as a parking lot by signage will be towed at the owners expense.

鹰街 8日之间 & 第9街和地段20将在所有国际州立大学篮球比赛日关闭.