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CAS and University Acronym List

AAC&U- Association of American Colleges and Universities

AASCU- American Association of State Colleges and Universities

BR – Biennial Review

CAS - College of Arts and Sciences

CC – Council of Chairpersons, or Chairs’ Council

AAC - The College of Arts and Sciences –Academic Affairs Committee

CAAC - Faculty Sentate Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee

CIP - the State of Indiana’s List of Academic Degree Programs Inventory

See (web-site)

EOS - End of Semester

FAFSA – Federal Application for Federal Student Aid

FC – Faculty Council

FS – Faculty Senate

FTE--  Full time equivalent (can be used to refer to a student or to an employee)

FY – Fiscal Year

LEAP – Learn-Engage-Achieve-Persist (3-week summer invitation only, residential program to prepare for high school-to-college transition).

OTO – One Time Only Pay Authorization Form

NSSE—National Survey of Student Engagement (see website)  (Pronounced NESSIE)  Freshman and Seniors surveys are conducted. 

ISU data is compared with national data.

OSPIRE—Office of Strategic Planning, Institutional Research and Testing

P&T – Promotion and Tenure

SCH – Student Contact Hour

SEM – Student Enrollment Management

TRR – Travel Reimbursement Request

FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

ORR – Office of Registration and Records.

The link below is a great resource for all things Budget related:

Link for Controller’s Office Forms and Procedures:

Updated July 2019