
A Short 历史 of the 斯科特商学院

In 2014, the college celebrated 50 years of being a separate college of bc菠菜导航. The Business 部门 was done away with 和 the School of Business was formed. On Friday, April 10, 2014, at the Sycamore Banquet Center there was a celebratory meal...


纪念我们的过去. 展望未来

布里恩史密斯As we head into our 50th year as a separate college of business on bc菠菜导航's campus, we have the ability to reflect on many people 和 achievements that have brought us to this moment. Just as it "takes a village to raise a child,“这需要很多学生, 校友, 教师, 工作人员, emeriti, 社区成员, 行业合作伙伴, 和 others -- to make a college of business, 或者任何业务, 成功且有影响力. During the remainder of 2014 和 all of 2015, we will be recognizing the work 和 actions of those who have done just that; hence the theme: "纪念我们的过去. 展望未来."

从黄金年(1964-65)开始, we have prepared generations of students for the world of work, 但更重要的是, we have prepared them to be strong leaders. Aside from the core business curriculum, 我们教授团队合作的永恒课程, 回馈(时间和才能), 管理, ethics 和 valuable soft skills that continue to be in high dem和. Many of our outst和ing 校友 are in influential positions at companies that compete at the national 和 often international levels, 和 several of those 校友 continue to serve the Scott College in valuable ways, 比如我们的议会, 作为演讲嘉宾, 和更多的.

A lot has changed in the past 50 years! Our facilities have improved immensely from the days of being located in the Fine Arts 和 Science buildings, 后来在政治家大厦, 和 today in beautiful 联邦大厅 in the heart of downtown Terre Haute! Thanks to a generous naming gift from Don 和 Susan Scott in 2009, we were able to move forward on a $20 million renovation of this historic l和mark. Our programs have changed with the times as well, such as our early focus on teacher training 和 secretarial preparation to today's focus on supply chain management, sales (insurance 和 medical) 和 marketing, 保险及风险管理, 以及其他许多重要领域.

We invite you during this anniversary year to reflect on the great times you had in the college as a student, 教员, 校友, friend or community member 和 to please share those memories with us by visiting the online guestbook on our 50th anniversary website. Don't hesitate to honor or acknowledge those who were instrumental in your successes along the way 和 share any sentiments you may have with the 斯科特商学院 family during this golden milestone called our 50th! Take time to delve into our history even further by visiting our 50-year timeline, 浏览我们的许多照片和视频, or reading the short profiles on influential people from the past 50 years.

一如既往,一个网站永远不会完成. 相反,它总是在进行中. We will continue to add to 和 update this collection over the next several months. 请,, so if you have any photos or memories to share, we would love to be able to include those on this site, along with your observations from that time in our history. 请 forward any submissions to 米歇尔 Swick at 米歇尔.Swick@wolaipei.com.

Congratulations to the 斯科特商学院 on this gr和 achievement, 和 congratulations to the "village" of leaders 和 influencers who have contributed to making us what we are today. We look forward to seeing you at the celebration in April!


Scott College Honors Past, Celebrates Future During 50th Anniversary Event

It was a birthday celebration to remember for hundreds of supporters, 教师 和 students of the 斯科特商学院 who, 在周五, honored the college's past accomplishments 和 celebrated the bright future ahead.

布里恩史密斯, 斯科特商学院院长, 和 bc菠菜导航 president, Dan Bradley raise a toast the past 和 future successes of the college.

"Life is easier when you are part of a network of friends 和 family, 我们的网络非常重要. 学生, 校友, 教师, 工作人员, emeriti, 社区成员, 行业合作伙伴 和 others have made our college 成功且有影响力,——布莱恩·史密斯, 斯科特商学院院长, 在50周年纪念活动上说的. "Since that golden year - 1964-65 - we've prepared generations of students for the role of work, 但更重要的是, we've prepared them to be strong leaders."

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We value our business partners 和 take pride in the relationships we have formed with them.

Whether your interests are hiring our students, 指导他们, 在我们的顾问委员会任职, sponsoring or donating to our programs, 提供扬声器, 或者只是参加我们的活动, 我们希望收到你的来信.
