
Title IV政策的返回

The University recognizes that circumstances may arise that require students to drop some or all of their classes. bc菠菜导航的退款政策,发表在 课程时间表,用以决定是否退还院校收费.

A refund of institutional charges may also impact the student's eligibility for certain types of financial aid. 学生 who withdraw officially or unofficially from all of their courses may be subject to the Federal Return of Title IV Funds formula if they have received any Federal Title IV financial aid. Federal Title IV aid consists of the following and will be returned in this order:

  • 联邦直接无补贴贷款
  • 联邦直接补贴直接贷款
  • 联邦直接毕业生/家长加贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)
  • 伊拉克阿富汗服务补助金

The Federal Return of Title IV Funds formula is used to determine the amount of Federal Title IV aid that must be returned to the federal government by the school and the student.


任何时候一个学生完全退出所有课程, the financial aid office will require a 100% return of refunds issued that were drawn from federal and state funds, 因为这个学生一节课都没上过. 如果这个过程发生在学期的第7天之前, 学生通常有权退还大学的学费. The refund schedule is available on the Office of 注册及记录 homepage: http://isuportal.wolaipei.com/registrar


Financial aid recipients are required to complete 67% of the classes originally attempted. (见也 满意的学业进步政策.)如果学生的完成率低于67%, 他或她将丧失获得联邦财政援助的资格. It is critical to exercise discretion when deciding when to drop and add classes after the semester has already begun.

入学信息报告给国家学生贷款数据系统, and previously borrowed loans may go into repayment if the student does not meet deferment criteria (半场招生).

佩尔助学金获得者 必须参加 他们所有的课程,以保持补助金. 未能参加所有课程可能会导致佩尔助学金的减少.


官方取款 are defined as students who drop all of their courses prior to or after the payment period begins. 学生 seeking to withdraw from the current term must do so through the student self-service badge in the MyISU Portal.  有关说明,请参阅 退出程序.

In general, withdrawals that occur prior to the first week of classes are eligible for a full refund. 退款将根据学期的部分按比例进行. 学期第四周后,一般不允许退款. 看到 http://isuportal.wolaipei.com/registrar 有关详细信息,. 住房和膳食计划合同各不相同. 联系 住宿生活办公室 申请解除合同.

当学生正式从ISU退学时, the Office of 注册及记录 determines the withdrawal date as the official date the student withdrawals from all classes. The withdrawal date will be used in the Federal Return of Title IV formula to determine the percentage of the payment period completed. The percentage of the payment period completed will determine the portion of the Federal Title IV aid 赢得了 (or could have been 赢得了) to be used to pay remaining institutional charges (such as tuition, 费用, (或大学住房)以学生的名义. 例如, 如果学生在完成30%的课程后退学, 他只能得到大约30%的联邦财政援助.

在这种情况下,总的 赢得了 联邦补助金和/或贷款少于支付的金额, the difference must be returned to the Federal Title IV programs in the order listed above. And no additional disbursements may be made to the student for the payment period.

但是,如果总金额 赢得了 Federal Title IV grants and/or loans is greater than the total amount of disbursed and/or could have been disbursed, the difference between these amounts must be treated as a post-withdrawal disbursement.

A post-withdrawal disbursement must be made from available grant funds before available loan funds. 如果存在未付的电流费用, the post-withdrawal grant funds will be applied to those charges and any excess grant funds will be refunded to the student. 然而, a post-disbursement of loan  requires the confirmation of the student or parent for a parent PLUS loan. 在这些情况下, the student and/or parent will be notified within 30 days of the institution's determination that the student withdrew to offer the post-withdrawal disbursement. The funds may be accepted or declined by the student and/or parent within 14 days from the date of notification. 一旦收到录取通知, ISU will disburse the funds within 180 days of the institution's determination that the student withdrew.

一旦提款完成处理, 这可能会使一些大学的费用无法支付, 这个学生需要支付这笔费用. The amount due will appear on the student's bill within 45 days after the withdrawal date.

非官方的提款, 每学期结束的时候, the Office of Student 金融援助 will review all financial aid applicants whom have completed the semester and failed to complete any of their courses with a grade of D- or better. 对于这些学生, the Office of Student 金融援助 will work with the 教师 to determine the last date of academically related academic activity. 如果确定学生没有参加整个学期, the Office of Student 金融援助 will complete a Federal Return of Title IV for those students who received Federal Title IV aid within 45 days.

不及格成绩如下:IN, F, Fx, W, Dx. 学生 whose instructor indicates that they never attended for any portion of the term will be withdrawn for that term and given grades of W. “IN”的成绩将在一年后自动被定为不及格. 所有其他分数保持不变.

The Last Date of Attendance is the date used to determine the percentage of the term completed. 如果学生没有通过任何课程, and has attended less than 60% of the term based on the dates provided by his instructors, the financial aid office will use the midpoint of the term to calculate aid 赢得了.


  • Physically attending a class where there is opportunity for interaction between the instructor and the student;
  • 提交学术作业;
  • 参加考试、互动式辅导或计算机辅助指导;
  • 参加由学校主办的学习小组;
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject.

在所有的第四章援助返还要求已经满足, 剩余的信贷余额将用于支付允许的现有未付费用. 在偿还所有援助来源后仍有信贷余额, 资金将返还给学生. If funds are released to a student because of a credit balance on the student's account, then the student may be required to repay some of the Title IV funds if the student withdraws.






8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.