In Depth: Fanning the flames of race in education

Sunday, August 8, 2021 - 08:42


Some states have banned its instruction in K-12 schools.

In Indiana, 司法部长托德·罗基塔(Todd Rokita)对此持批评态度,甚至发布了一项“家长权利法案”,其中包括家长参与学校董事会、审查课程和州标准的途径.


In a news release, he stated that as he's traveled the state, “我亲耳听到了家长们的担忧,他们对孩子们在学校课程中被强加的意识形态深感不安."

In an op-ed piece, 罗基塔写道:“批判种族理论和类似的课程旨在吸收美国传统的种族主义.S. history and civics curriculum by imposing deeply flawed, factually deficient instruction and racial division in the classroom."

Rokita stated these "dangerous ideologies only serve to divide our children, which leads to a divided society."

U.S. Sen. 迈克·布劳恩签署了一项决议,谴责在K-12学校和教师培训中使用批判种族理论.

Meanwhile, 熟悉它的人说,这是一个通常不会在K-12学校教授的话题,也不是有意的——这是一个40多年前发展起来的理论,主要在大学阶段教授.

But what is it? And why the controversy?

Stated simply, “批判种族理论”是一种分析种族主义如何影响美国公共政策的理论方法," says Adeyemi Doss, assistant professor at Indiana State University's department of multi-disciplinary studies.

According to an article in Education Week, "Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, 这不仅仅是个人偏见或偏见的产物,也是法律制度和政策中根深蒂固的东西."

Doss further describes it as a theoretical framework developed in the U.S. during the mid-1970s as a civil rights academic movement to critically evaluate U.S law as it intersects with issues of race in the U.S.

"Its sole purpose is to investigate social, cultural and legal concerns of race and racism in the United States," he said.

造成如此多争议的原因是,人们担心批判种族理论会成为一种分裂的工具,让有色人种与白人对立," Doss said. Opponents suggest "it teaches people, especially children of color and those who come from other racial and ethnic backgrounds, to hate and dislike America."

Some could argue "that's far from the truth, especially those who deal with CRT on an everyday basis," Doss said.

"Critical race theory to my understanding is not being taught in K-12. It's only taught at the college and university level," Doss said. The first time he heard of it was during his master's program at Indiana University.

他说,美国的奴隶制历史在K-12教育中有涉及,但不是很深入. 有人可能会说,当前政治焦虑的根本目的是要从美国历史教科书中消除奴隶制."

Doss added, “奴隶制是美国身份的重要组成部分,也是美国发展的基础, which can cause a lot of anxiety in people whenever the topic is brought up, 但如果我们的最终目标是建立一个建立在尊重基础上的社会,这是我们作为一个社会必须面对的问题, which can lead to peace."

There is a saying that the truth hurts. "And it does and we're all human beings at the end of the day," Doss said.

As far as the teaching of K-12 American history, "both its bitter and sweet aspects, 我们必须对教育工作者进行再培训,以建立有利于学生智力成长和发展的环境," he said.

In his college classes, he teaches students not only how to look at things using an objective lens, but also how to take their emotions out of it. "Sometimes it can be very emotional and it can make you feel a certain way," Doss said.

He works to create an atmosphere so that everyone's voice can be heard. "At the end of the day, 这一切都是关于个人的自我赋权,不仅仅是让自己变得更强大, but our community stronger and society stronger," Doss said.

Mary Howard-Hamilton, the department chair of educational leadership at ISU's Bayh College of Education, teaches critical race theory to her master's and doctoral students at ISU.


The discussion should not be about teaching critical race theory in K-12 schools. "I don't know where that came from," she said. "Infusing CRT in the curriculum and teaching it to children is not the point."

批判性种族理论应该作为培训K-12教师和管理人员的理论框架,以便他们能够创建有助于学生理解公平问题的教学法和课程, race, racism and related topics, she said.

She believes critical race theory is misinterpreted. It's controversial because "I believe it makes people uncomfortable," she said. “它允许那些通常没有发言权的人分享他们的担忧和观点."


The idea is to have a discussion, analyze problems, develop an understanding of how those policies were written, 谁创建了它们,“为什么需要在决策过程中有更多的声音共享?," Howard-Hamilton said.

“你必须承认,很多政策在实施时并没有考虑到性别/种族的平衡. 这也是CRT的作用——带来性别/种族平衡,讨论排斥性的过程和政策," she said.

Tom Steiger, ISU professor of sociology, 表明一些保守派政客正在煽动批判种族理论的火焰,以煽动选民,甚至筹集资金.

"The right wing is using it as a very successful fundraising strategy, suggesting that it is something that [K-12] students are being indoctrinated into," he said.

The version of CRT that is being proffered "is a caricature, usually focusing on the idea that somehow I, white person, am guilty of the sins of the past. When, at best, CRT认为,现有的教育结构以牺牲其他人的利益为代价,让白人受益, and we [white folks] are not aware of it. And, as some of those structures have been removed — housing, education, etc. — whites face more competition than in the past, and some don’t like it. Those are especially susceptible to the fundraising around CRT," Steiger suggests.

At the same time, critical race theory is also being used by activists who may want to advance social justice goals; they believe CRT and don't question it, while those in academics treat CRT as a theory to be tested, debated and refined with new evidence or knowledge.

Critical race theory and Indiana public education

Keith Gambill, president of the Indiana State Teachers Association, said that until recently, 他从未听说过批判种族理论,他相信大多数印第安纳州的教育工作者都是如此. 传统上,它是在大学的法律研究和其他学术领域中教授的.

"So for the majority of Hoosier educators, they had never even heard of it, let alone the notion that we're teaching it," he said.


“我认为老师们关心的是许多不同的课程领域, 'Am I going to be told you can't teach this. You can't teach that?' because someone may ask you a question ... and if you were to honestly answer it, that would violate some rule or some law," he said.

Gambill is a vocal music and theater teacher, and given the way the conversation has turned, “我会被置于一个不能再教授和讨论《bc菠菜导航》的位置吗?,' which in American musical theater is one of the greats?" he asked.

这部音乐剧探讨了两个不同种族背景的青少年街头帮派之间的竞争. "At the heart of that, the feuding is about race," Gambill said.

When students' questions arise on sensitive or difficult topics, 教师们明白,他们需要提出与年龄相适应的回答,并与州的学术标准和当地学校的课程相结合, he said.

“我们不应该事无巨细地管理老师说出来的每一个单词和音节," he said.

Asked why he believes politicians might be making it an issue, Gambill said, "I think that's a case where we have to examine what is the motive? What is the driving force behind this?"

这一引发分歧的问题出现之际,“我认为我们的教师和学校在过去一年半的时间里”在应对COVID-19大流行方面做得非常出色. “我对老师们所做的工作感到惊讶,并向他们所有的努力致敬."

Gambill added, “这太可悲了,在我们应该鼓励那些做了如此巨大工作的人的时候, it feels like we're being attacked. And for things we've never studied and aren't teaching."

当被问及印第安纳州教育部是否意识到印第安纳州任何K-12学校都在教授批判种族理论时, 发言人霍莉·劳森拒绝发表声明,只是说“课程是在地方层面设置的。."

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