The 文科 degree is alive and well — and critically important to the future of tech


美国的就业市场.S. 是否遇到了复杂的问题. 随着科技发展的加速, 旧世界的工作正在以越来越快的速度被自动化. 同时, the new jobs being created to work alongside digital technologies are going unfilled because of an overall lack in fluency of digital skills.

Last year alone this compounding problem resulted in more than 2.400万个STEM职位空缺 — that's a figure larger than the population of Houston, the fourth-largest city in the nation. 就在两年前, U.S. STEM学科的毕业生只有56.8万人. It doesn't take a STEM grad to see that there's a basic math problem here.

And with so many people assuming that STEM jobs must be filled by STEM talent, it's easy to see why roughly 40% of the American public believes we're in a crisis.




While digital skills like coding and data science are important, it's the soft skills — a strong work ethic; self-motivation; social, emotional and leadership skills; and holistic skills (like problem-finding) that are truly the key components for success in the modern economy.

通过投资文科毕业生, we gain people with human-centered skills who can approach problems in entirely new ways, 为数字时代的创新思维做出贡献.

Liberal arts graduates bring a depth and breadth of knowledge from across the humanities and social sciences that complement the hard skills of engineers and data scientists. And in a world that increasingly interacts with technology in every facet of daily life, it's increasingly important that technology reflects the world around us.

When a customer visits a website or withdraws money from an ATM, 我们需要的技术不仅适用于用户,而且适用于用户. How do the people of the world interface with the technology they use every day? 它对用户友好吗?? 视觉上赏心悦目? 这些问题,以及其他许多问题,都是不好的. They're critically important to the success of technological endeavors, and they are answered in the affirmative only when a diverse group of individuals designs it in the first place.


That's why at Infosys we're partnering with 文科 colleges to train the workforce of the future. We're working with Trinity College to bridge 文科 graduates into careers in technology. 通过投资文科毕业生, we gain people with human-centered skills who can approach problems in entirely new ways, 为数字时代的创新思维做出贡献. 通过这个项目, students complement their core 文科 education with technological skills and applied learning that will position them to thrive in the digital workplace.

我的朋友Joanne Berger-Sweeney, 三一学院院长, 将文科模式称为t模式, 或者“广度与深度”." 学生 gain expertise in individual subjects through a breadth of well-honed social skills that allow them to collaborate across disciplines. 因为学生获得了如此广泛的教育, they learn to connect disparate ideas threaded through many subjects. And because students are exposed to such a wide variety of subjects, they are more likely to be aware of their strengths and learning styles, allowing them to adapt more quickly and flexibly to evolving challenges.

This aligns well with the antidisciplinary world we're moving toward. 很快,t型车将让位给z型车. 创造力和批判性思维, 还要熟练掌握数字技术, 今天的经济需要这些关键素质吗. 在这种经济环境下, intelligent automation will provide real-time data and problem-solving capabilities, giving workers the bandwidth to use their creativity to problem-find and interpret the data, 发现需要进一步发展的领域.


我们知道文科生懂得如何学习. 现在他们需要的只是机会. That's why we need a nationwide model of workforce development that recognizes private enterprise must play the leading role in embracing workforce transformation. As employers, we can provide the training and tools necessary to build the workforce of the future. By broadening the aperture on the candidates we recruit to include students with a high "learnability index," we can solve the talent crisis and improve our products and services at the same time.

We're doing the same thing in a more specialized partnership with Rhode Island School of Design, 这有助于我们促进1的持续发展,印孚瑟斯的设计师遍布全球. This world-renowned institution educates the brightest minds in art and design, those whose expertise can help to close the design talent gap in technology. 接受过适当的数字技能培训, talented designers can solve complex challenges and create client solutions at the junctures of several siloed disciplines, 包括人文学科, 文科, 公共政策, 经济与工程.

We're also working to bring community college graduates into the fold. 超过50%的美国.S. 接受高等教育的学生被社区大学录取, 我们需要做更多的工作来挖掘这个人才库. Infosys formed a partnership with the Community College of Rhode Island to develop a new center that will create educational programming to prepare students for the digital economy. 这个新中心, 数字经济抱负实验室(DEAL), supports students through mentorship opportunities and exposure to real-world client challenges at our Providence Innovation and Technology Center.

五分之二的美国人认为我们正处于人才危机之中. They may be right for now, but I think we're moving toward a future that is exciting. By recruiting candidates from a broad set of backgrounds and experiences who know how to learn and training them with the digital skills they need to succeed in today's economy, American workers can become even greater problem-finders and creative problem-framers.

这就是为什么文科学位并没有真正消亡. In fact, it's alive and well and can help businesses better serve the world.
